Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 28

volume Number : 8
number In Volume : 2
issue Number : 28

volume Number 8، number In Volume 2، ، issue Number 28

Ministry beyond ministry in beihaghi historyThe

Marziye Jafari(Author in Charge), Dr Zahra Ekhteiari


In this research, According to the text of Abolfazle Beihaghi speech, there was a new report of the ministey provided in Beihaghi history. Beihaghi brithely has distinguished ministry divan and the function of the minister and Pseudo-ministers. Basically, most impression only appropriated on the aspect of history ministry but hidden ministers, Pseudo-ministers or bad ministers were in Ghaznavi period, although they were unofficially ministers, also they interefered on the kings decisions and also their viewpoints were more important than the basic minister. According to the witnesses of construction of ministery in before and after Ghaznavi period , the article has provided that the ministry in Tarikh-e-Beyhaghi does not mean the minister of ministry divan exclusively, but it has some other meanings which are mentioned an article.

Tarikh-e-Beyhaghi , Ministry Divan , Pseudo-ministers , The Minister of Court , The Ministries , The Minister of Local Rulers.